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SOK Sotha

Mr. SOK Sotha
Lead founder and Chief Executive

SOK Sotha currently is a Chief Executive of the Cambodian Farmer Federation Association of Agricultural Producers (CFAP Cambodia), a Member of the National Program Steering Committee for IFAD/MEF in Cambodia, Board member of Agroecology Alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) on Policy Dialogue for Cambodia, and Board Directors of the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) for Asian Constituency since 2019.

Sotha experienced about 10 years on education with a private school (1993-2003) and 21 years with farmers’ organizations, farming communities, and agricultural cooperatives. He coordinates to have contract farming and market value chains to engage private sector with local producers for collective sales and purchases. He experiences in policy, political and laws debate, policy discussion participation.

In 2010 he pioneered to synergize amongst farmers’ organizations in Cambodia to work together and building the first national farmers’ organization platform network which the country has ever had before.

He focuses mainly on building a vocational skills and education for youth, raising awareness on climate change, building the capacity of farmers’ organization, advocating for policies that benefit rural farming communities, liftment of agroecology and agroforestry.