Strengthening of Small Farmers Groups and Improving their Market Access (SFG-MARC) Phase i (2010)
• Project no: 0151/10CF
• Contract no: 08cam-5244
Project objectives (2010):
1) Strengthening the CFAP small farmers producing association in providing high quality services to its members’ organizations, esp in cooperative marketing.
2) Continue developing the associative functioning and strengthening the membership basis and clear internal policy of CFAP to the public and to assure that all regulations must be respected, with an increasing no. of members.
3) Diversifying income generation, food entitlements and minimize the hunger gap period of rural farmers.
4) Strengthening the civil society as the small producers associations and communities base in rural Cambodia as members of CFAP at the national level.
5) Financial strengthening and management of small farmers’ organizations as members of CFAP toward financial independence in the future.
CFAP and group management will be supported with a range of capacity development trainings/ programmes to increase their capacity on effective group leadership, advisory support on FOs style to members and their organizations, advise on organizational management, advise on annual membership payment fee, business analsys, business planning to CFAP’s members’ organizations, exchange visit of farmers to farmers, the annual meeting of CFAP. CFAP will maintain a network of value chain actors, private, government and civil society in order to coordinate different efforts mutually that are ongoing in the organizational strengtening and membership sustaining. CFAP is working in good cooperation with SNV in Cambodia to reach its objectives of the project.