Strengthening of Small Farmers Groups and Improving Their Market Access (2011-2012)
• Contract no. 10cam-5611-11at-3061
The overall objective is to improve livelihood of member farmers through rural economic activities in vegetable and rice production and marketing
1. Improve production of vegetables and rice and… if available.
1.1. 250 groups amongst 836 existing groups will be re-organized and strengthened,
1.2. 50 demonstration farms established
1.3. On-site technical training on production and postharvest handling etc to domo plots (3500 farmers get direct intervention
from the project).
1.4. Production planning by each producer group
1.5. Establish contracts with at least two input suppliers
1.6. Initiate savings by producer groups and training in saving principles,
1.7. Printing and publication,
1.8. Exchange visits and study tours,
2. Improve access to markets of vegetable and rice producers
2.1. Organize 15 collection points in target working areas,
2.2. Training in bookkeeping and data recording
2.3. Market information system established
2.4. Market surveys by CFAs/CFOs and CFAP
3. Business development and investment planning
3.1. Business planning training for CFAs/CBOs
3.2. Network with MFI/Bank
4. Organizational strengthening and capacity building
4.1. CFAs/CBOs leaders trained in leadership
4.2. CFA/CBO and CFAP staff trained in M&E to monitor success of economic activities
4.3. CFAs/CBOs and CFAP trained in business management
4.4. Monitoring the implementation of producer groups
4.5. -End workshop and evaluation
5. Giving advisory support and facilitate to strengthen member organizations for long run (this is not included in the project proposal
and budget which is additional task/duty of CFAP to member organizations)
5.1. Associative functioning,
5.2. Governing structure in FO style,
5.3. Positioning,
5.4. Organizational management,
5.5. Added value of FOs and mutual interaction between FOs and members,
5.6. Legal status and registration,
WA4: Business Development, Deliverable 4: marketing
– Direct beneficiaries: 250 producer groups and 3,500 farmers (of which 1,925 female)
– Indirect beneficiaries: 8,712 farmer households (CFAP members), of which 5,154 female.
– CFAP contribution adequate: 17%
– Budget compatible with scale and complexity of proposal.
– Financial management adequate; CFAP received financial management training in Philippines in 2010.
– General overhead costs = 14% of total project budget, of which 9% requested to
– No subsidy of production costs and of business capital.
The total budget for one and a half years (1 July 2011 – 31 Dec 2012) is US$ 254,990.
Improve the livelihood of member farmers through rural economic activities in vegetable and rice production and marketing.