CFAP Board meeting!
On 4th March, 2022 CFAP organised the Board meeting to review achievement of the first two months in 2022 in particular agricultural and cooperative enterprises and agricultural and cooperative credits/loan status based at members’ organisations at sub national level which affected by Covid-19 to find a better methodology to tackle the challenges and threat, thus to take advantages from the challenges. Our previous training on TOT on business planning, marketing training and business CANVAS model were reflected and followed up the actions on ground to accelerate the application of the CFAP CANVAS Business Model and Business Action Plan to ensure that all members’ organisations will apply and results of application would have brought for further discussion and knowledge sharing.
The programme such as a country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) a led programme of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in partnership and collaboration with the Royal Government of Cambodia had also discussed aimed at involving farmer members and members’ organisations (producer associations and agricultural cooperatives) in other IFAD’s support programmes in Cambodia like ASPIRE-AT, SAAMBAT, AIMS and others in the future to ensure that farmers within CFAP get opportunity from the projects to improve their agricultural production and engagement with markets with sustainability.
Due constraints on capital for expanding production, and also production value chains for agricultural and non agricultural production of members’ organisations i.e. from seeds to processing and packaging, therefore members’ organisations wished to have partnership with development partners and financial institutions directly. IFAD has ARISE project, however budget is very small and CFAP members’ organisations have not received any funding yet from this project and the Board wished to have further discussion with the National Implementing Agency to find a solution that can enable CFAP’s members to get access to finance.
Previously only about 50% of members’ organisations got a specific training on TOT on business planning, marketing and CFAP business CANVAS model while CFAP depends on external funding to provide the training course, therefore the Board has appealed to donors and development agencies to provide funding to continue the training course and coaching to ensure that members’ organisations can do small scale business professionally with success for expanding and scalling up and good example for Cambodia and in the region.
The Board had also discussed about the next CFAP General Assembly that planned to held in March base on CFAP’s Chapter IV, Article 15 on organisation of the General Assembly.
The meeting came into a conclusion, stocktaking for further discussion and follow up by the end March 2022.