Asia Constituency meeting!
On 9th February 2021, the Asia Constituency gathered together virtually at the invitation of the WFO Asia Board member, Mr. Sok Sotha. Members of the WFO in Asia had the opportunity to meet virtually for exchanges, consultation and share their thoughts and comments on current impacts of Covid-19, variant and natural disasters on farmers and the farming communities and their economical status.
Members had discussed on WFO membership experimental revision and the creation of a WFO members sustain fund, the WFO political road map included the task force on trade and WFO General Assembly 2022.
General overviews of the various zero draft policies related to farmer members in particular women, youth, cooperative and innovation had presented during the Asia Constituency meeting. The meeting had also reviewed on the slots for working group (WG) for Asia Constituency to fulfill such as livestock, innovation, cooperative and youth.
At the end of the meeting we can conclude that the Asia Constituency meeting organized in the right time for members to consult, share and exchange.