On 26-28 March 2024: The Alliance Learning in South East Asia (ALiSEA) organized the regional workshop in Luang Preahbang, Laos brought 65 participants, 20 females from country members as leaders and representatives of non-governmental organizations, farmers’ organizations, research institutes and academia come from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam in the Mekong region. All leaders and representatives work closely in agroecology.
CFAP’s lead founder and chief executive and a Board member of ALiSEA on Policy Dialogue was participated in the event. The objectives of the workshop aimed to (1); Present the results of the national consultations in 2023 for reviews, discussion and next action plans 2024-2028, (2). Present on organizational governing model in 2024 – 2025 onward, (3). Present on members’ work and innovative on agroecology and priority focusing on market access, youth empowerment and innovations in vegetable production and (4). Present on knowledge management and strategy of ALiSEA to share knowledge of members on agroecological practices.
The participants visited three different farms which presented about the young farmer leadership on organic vegetables, and fruit farms which the participants can listened the stories of changes from the young farmers on agroecological practices and their endeavors to fight for a better livelihood. The farms play key roles not only the places for producing foods, but also a training center, eco-tourism, camping for youth groups and interested farmers to learn more on agroecological practices.
Those organizations that received ALiSEA small grant got opportunity to share knowledge and experiences to the participants for knowledge and experiences sharing, moreover knowledge products of members were presented as showcases. The ALiSEA regional workshop came into a conclusion with fruitful results of achievements in 2023, next action plans and strategies 2024-2028.
The ALiSEA regional workshop is a part of the ASSET project with funding support from French Development Agency (AFD), the European Union (EU) and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM). More information, please go to #https://ali-sea.org/alisea-network-organized-its-first-regional-general-assembly/