Strong farmers’ organizations can help sustained agriculture, good food and avoid from all kinds of threats to lives of farmers and the rural farming communities.
Though the world has connected closer and closer by means of technologies, but it is still far from our rural people as they could not get access to knowledge how to use new technology on their smartphone, no access to internet and better internet connection while knowledge on improved agricultural production that can response to current and future market demands are still very limited. Smallholders live in rural areas still face lots of problems to engage their produces to markets sustainably. In this regard, on 21st of January 2021, CFAP’s Boards and a managing director had exchanged and reviewed on a new strategy on engaging farmers in business as well as to strengthen and upgrade farmers and farmers’ organizations in the right position by both strengthening the bottom up approach and top down approach at the same time.
To have this new strategy on engaging farmers in business, therefore the partnership with multi stakeholders such as private sector, development partners, public sector and farmers and farmers’ organizations herself to structure strong network in the value chain actors. CFAP is ready with this new strategy on engaging farmers in business and markets as well as to improve agriculture production for regular incomes of farmers sustainably.
There were various discussion points included gender equality participation, youth participation, women participation, networking, organizational revitalization, sustainable farming of farmer members with qualitative produces, sustainable markets for farmer members and related policies of farmers and farming communities.
The meeting had a good conclusion for the next five years 2022 – 2026 with a firm strategic action plan to engage farmers in business, thus to reach a sustained agriculture for farmer members and members’ organizations as well as CFAP in next five years with more resilience to climate change and the society.
When farmers’ organizations get stronger in term of finance, business and leadership, therefore we can influent the public better, so farmers and rural people live in the rural farming communities can live with freedom and avoid from all kinds of threats to their lives.