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Holidays 2024


01 January, 2024 : International New Year’s Day
07 January, 2024 : Victory Over the Genocide Regime
08 March, 2024 : International Women’s Day
13-14-15-16 April, 2024 : Khmer New Year’s Day
01 May, 2024 : International Labor Day
14 May, 2024 : King Sihamoni’s Birthday
22 May, 2024 : Visak Bochea Day
26 May, 2024 : Royal Plowing Ceremony
18 June, 2024 : Her Majesty King’s Mother’s Birthday
24 September, 2024 : Constitutional Day
1-2-3 October, 2024 : Pchum Ben’s Festival
15 October, 2024 : King’s Father Comemmoration Day
29 October, 2024 : King’s Sihamoni Coronation Day
09 November, 2024 : Independence Day
14-15-16 November, 2024 : Water’s Festival