Small scale farmers can diversify incomes from small scale farms for food and high education of their children!
Prum Saran has applied integrated agroecological practices and natural friendly agricultural practices on her small scale farms. Previously, she grows multi vegetables in an open space such as kangkong, cucumber, ridge gourd and leave onion by using compost made from animal manure and waste materials found in the village. Due increased temperature and quick change of weather, she get interested in growing in a net house which she learned that vegetables are more resilient to climate conditions with higher yield compared to growing in an open space with many disturbances such as high temperature, pests, diseases, animals, poultries, heavy rain and some other threats. Saran does not only grow multi vegetables, but her family also raise few chicken as well to diversify incomes for her family and children to go to school. Moreover, chicken can provide rich compost for vegetables.
With net house, now she can grow almost in a year round for household consumption and sales to villagers and collector for supplying the district and provincial markets and also markets in Phnom Penh. She said, growing vegetables not only for household consumption, but also sales as main incomes to support her family and children to have a higher education.
Saran, a farmer lives in Khmot village, Svay Chrum Commune, Svay Chrum district, Svay Rieng province. She is a member of SVAY CHRUM AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE as CFAP’s member. She received a net house on 15 September 2020.