CFAP’s Board meeting!
On 3rd April 2022, following CFAP’s By-Laws Chapter IV Organizational Governing Structure, roles and responsibilities, Article 20 Board meeting, therefore CFAP organized a Virtual Board meeting to review the progress of the organizations and projects both ongoing project(s) and new proposed project(s).
After a report of CFAP’s managing director, Sok Sotha on progresses of the organization, ongoing project(s) and status of new proposed project(s), the boards composed of Mr. Prum Samat, Chairman, Ms. Preap Chanthy, Vice Cahairwoman, Mr. Kong Savoeurn, Vice Chairmn, Mr. Chheng Thong, Vice Chairman and Ms. Soeng Soknov, a proxy of Mr. Ken Yaim, Vice Chairman had discussed in details the following areas: –
1. Proposed project to the Bank in Europe for organizational economic development and linking local produces to markets.
2. Legal status of using a revolving fund and agri-credit.
3. The status of the project Assuring Resiliency of Family Farmers (ARISE Farmers) in Cambodia.
4. The status of CFAP with COSOP in particular project Agricultural Services Programme for Innovation Resilience and Extension (ASPIRE AT) Phase ii.
5. Bio slurry and its importance to promote sustainable agriculture, food systems and rural livelihood improvement.
7. Others
The Boards had discussed in details of all the thematic areas to strengthen the ongoing activities and new project action plans. Mr. Prum Samat, chairman of CFAP wished to have tackled all concerned areas to meet the financial institution requirements on the proposal in the first semester to ensure that CFAP can facilitate to engage local produces to markets with firm structure from farms to markets, ensure sustainable agriculture of smallholders and sustainable food systems in a regenerative manner which the decision making seconded by Mr. Chheng Thong, CFAP’s vice chairman and supported by Ms. Preap Chanthy and Mr. Kong Savoeurn. Other projects and action plans such as legal status of CFAP’s financial institution, ARISE project, ASPIRE AT and Bio slurry company would have followed up accordingly before the end of the first semester in 2022.
The Board learned that AGRI TECH TRADEFAIRE is very important for agricultural cooperatives and farmers’ organizations, therefore the Board wished to have CFAP’s delegates to participate in the coming trade faire event that will take place in Bangkok, Thailand in second quarter 2022.
CFAP has experienced on rural development, working with smallholders in rural Cambodia and engagement of farmers with companies, further in the Covid-19 pandemic and disruption has been putting more pressures for CFAP Cambodia, members’ organizations and farmer members which it is required us to find urgent solutions to sustain the organizations and farming activities, therefore the organization has revitalized and re-thought carefully toward economy and sustainability of farmers’ organizations and agricultural cooperatives as quickly as possible by using existing resources and in collaboration with partners in development (PPP).
The meeting had concluded in a solidarity environment, strong commitment of the Boards and step forward.