75th Food Security and Nutrition Forum – Cambodia!
On 24 February 2022, CFAP a managing director Sok Sotha attended the 75th Food Security and Nutrition Forum. The Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) organised the 75th Food Security and Nutrition Forum presided over by H.E Sok Silo, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) in Cambodia. The meeting aimed to share and exchange knowledge and experiences on food security and nutrition amongst government institutions and development partners in Cambodia to improve and develop national action plans in the future.
There were various presentations made by development partners such as EU-FAO First Programme on concept for mid-term and strategic review of the second New National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition (NSFSN) 2019-2023, Fast Track Road Map for Improving Nutrition (FTRMIN) and plan for second phase of Ministry of Health, implementation of the UN Global Action Plan (GAP) for wasting and related Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment by UNICEF, sharing from the GIZ on recent analytical studies on Nutrition transition in Cambodia which focused on three target areas i.e. Kampot, Kampong Thom and Phnom Penh on food environment for children aging from 6 – 59 months old and lastly, presentation made by Youth Spotlight Cambodia.
The meeting participated by Government relevant ministries, sub national administration, development partners and farmer organisation gather together of more than 200 participants. We believe this is a good start that farmer organisation participated, not only for learning but also for sharing experiences on food security and nutrition and good collaboration with relevant stakeholders and government to have achieved common goal for Cambodia as well as the region and at the global level.
Food security and nutrition related closely to agriculture, water, soil, biodiversity, healthy food processing and or industry and climate change as parts of the food systems and value chains, therefore raising awareness and building capacity of the above issues for farmers and the communities both at rural and urban areas necessary. However, financial resources are needed to ensure the action plans would happen, only results of researches/studies and policies papers are not enough.